Applications until 27 March! European Innovation Council ePitching on COVID-19
Thursday, March 26, 2020
The EIC is organising a special ePitching-session in the light of the current COVID-19 outbreak in an effort to mobilize EIC projects. All EIC-backed SMEs that can contribute to possible solutions to help combat the current pandemic and its consequences and are looking for investment are welcome to apply.
A limited number of EIC-backed up SMEs will then have the chance to show their innovative solutions via an online tool to a jury of investors, including Panakes Partners, Idacapital, Clinical Research Ventures and Monte Carlo Capital, on 15 April 2020 from 12.00 till 1.30 pm (CET).
Applications are open until 27 March 2020 17:00 CET.
Apply here and don’t miss this opportunity!
Who can apply?
EIC funded companies working in the fields of: Public health research related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics, among other innovations
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