Welcome ( www.welcomepickups.com ) redefines the way people travel by offering an online platform for a personalized and integrated travel experience. Welcome provides travellers with reassuring and informative transfer to and from airports or ports, equipping them with essential items for their trip (SIM cards, museum tickets etc.), and connecting them with hand-picked service providers for activities during their stay. Welcome connects travellers with an online ‘buddy’ providing valuable advice throughout a trip. The application is already active in 9 destinations and expects to “welcome” more than 200,000 travellers in 2017.
Applicants: Alexandros Trimis, Savvas Georgiou.


Submit your Application
for the 2nd Open Call!

A pool of 265,000€ investments, mentorship, and
tailor-made acceleration services.

Apply now to fuel your growth!

Applications open until February 21st.