Student Competition


Student Competition

Student Entrepreneurship competition with focus on sustainable development

Empowering a New Generation of Responsible Entrepreneurs

We are excited to announce the continuation of our competition for the fourth consecutive year. The competition has been digitally signed and bears the protocol number Φ15/124550/Δ2, an official document issued by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.

The Competition


1 November – 2 April: Deadline for online business idea submission

3 April – 30 April: Evaluation & announcement of business proposals that have qualified for the final phase

18 May: Final competition and awards.

Express of interest form

4th cycle ceremony

Watch LIVE the ceremony of the 4th cycle!
Join us on Saturday, May 18th, at 10:00 am.
Live pitches from the top 10 finalists, engaging interactive discussions, and an enlightening keynote speech!


Useful links

Approval file

Approval by the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs


The competition announcement, criteria & stages


A guidance for submitting your application


Frequently asked questions and useful information

Student Competition

The competition until today

Our impact numbers

300+ teams

250+ Teachers

2500+ Students

35 Training Seminars

3 cycles

28+ Community Partners, Auspices & Sponsors

3.500+ watched the award ceremony

Testimonials from students

Student Testimonials


Community partners

Recent News